Why I’ve decided to spend Christmas Day alone doing the things I love


Why I’ve decided to spend Christmas Day alone doing the things I love

I’ve realised that solitude is not loneliness. And that doing life solo doesn’t need to be the sad, shameful existence we’ve been sold. It can…


I became the poster girl for sobriety, then returned to big nights on the lash

Sobriety was a lonely place when Jill Stark wrote High Sobriety 10 years ago. Teetotal again, life is much easier in the sober curious age


How the media covered the Queen’s death

The Queen’s funeral was a historical event. The media covered it like a personal tragedy


The Dark Side Of Happy Ever After

The media is slowly abandoning the more depressing cliches about mental illness. But do the alternative narratives fall into the same trap?


With Australia’s delayed vaccine rollout, a reunion with my parents overseas inches further from reach

The airport reunions were tough. As internal borders reopened, families separated for months by lockdown restrictions were made whole again..


Mental illness must not become a political football

I had hoped we’d moved past outdated notions that people experiencing mental illness are inherently bad, erratic or dangerous.


Hearing Melbourne’s lockdown was ending was like a dam wall breaking. I sobbed

Victoria has lived through a collective trauma. It has been necessary and effective, but my god it has been hard


Why I’m anxious about lockdown ending

Life in lockdown was tough but it was simple. Fewer pressures and commitments means the chatter in my head has grown quieter. I’m nervous about…


Queer lives at risk

Despite significant progress for the rights of LGBTQIA people in recent decades, suicide rates in the community remain alarmingly high.


Admitting you’re happy and alone can feel like an act of defiance

There remains an unhealthy perception that to be unpartnered is to live in a state of suspended animation.

Hire Jill

If you’d like to hire Jill to run a workshop, speak at your event or provide media services for your organisation, please get in touch for a quote.
